Gothenburg Säve
Nordic Hub Säve
Here at Nordic Hub Säve, 15 minutes from central Gothenburg and the largest port in the Nordic region, we are creating a globally unique site for sustainable logistics and mobility. Three million square metres of belief in the future. In the heart of one of northern Europe’s most dynamic and innovative industrial clusters. Welcome to the place where we will lead the world in developing sustainable logistics and mobility.
The largest port in the Nordic region
Logistics and Mobility for Tomorrow
Säve site has a fantastic location close to the largest port in the Nordic region, as well as industry, national transport routes and the city of Gothenburg. Gothenburg has been voted the best logistics location in Sweden for many years and 70% of Scandinavia’s entire industry and population lies within a 500-kilometre radius of Gothenburg. Our vision is that 5,000–8,000 people will work on this site when it is fully developed.
Säve today
Castellum acquired Säve Airport in December 2018, thus gaining access to a fantastic development site extending to just over 3 million square metres. There are community aviation facilities, including helicopter operations for the police, ambulance and sea rescue active at the site, which provide a valuable service to the regional community. The site also offers other flight possibilities.
Plans for Säve
Within a 10-year period we intend to develop Säve in stages and build hundreds of thousands of square metres of state-of-the-art logistics and business premises, as well as test areas for zero-emission autonomous vehicles. In 2021 we started the construction of SEEL – the Swedish Electric Transport Laboratory – now recently inaugurated. In parallel with the long-term development of the site we also intend to create a cluster and test bed for innovation and development of the sustainable transport and mobility of the future.
Three focus areas
We have three main areas of focus for the development of Säve: Autonomous zero-emission vehicles, flexible logistics, and as is always the case when Castellum develop workplaces, we put people first. Our aim at Säve is to encourage growth in the electromobility cluster, and we believe that bringing in attractive players will attract others, lead to new collaborations and accelerate expansion on the site. We therefore intend to create spaces where our tenants can meet, exchange experiences and develop synergies. We will also ensure there are facilities for recreation and exercise in the area.

Autonomous zero-emission vehicles

Flexible logistics hub

People first
Sustainability – a natural choice
Sustainability will be a natural priority throughout the development of Säve. The goal is that the site will have net-zero carbon dioxide emissions by 2030 for operations and new construction as a whole. We are planning for integrated energy provision using locally generated renewable energy and we will take a holistic approach to offset impact on ecosystem services. A surface water strategy will be developed to handle rainfall and water drainage on the site.
Service and communications
It is our ambition that everyone who visits and works at Säve will have access to a variety of mobility services, charging for electric vehicles, opportunities for recreation and exercise and meeting places for collaboration and socializing. It should also be easy to get to the area by public transport or bike. We want to make it easier for our customers at Säve to run their businesses sustainably and we want everyone who works here to look forward to coming to work.
Already on site
The site already has several tenants. Companies from the logistics, automotive and aviation industries, as well as other industries, are already established on the Säve site. You are welcome to join us!
ACR (Aviation Capacity Recources AB) | Aeroklubben i Göteborg | Alucrom AB | Bodyflight Göteborg AB | Chalmers Flygklubb | CEVT China-Euro Vehicle | Technology AB | Delivery On Time Europe AB | Grand Plaza Bröllop & Konferens AB | Grönlunds Yrkesutbildningar AB | Göteborg Energi AB | Göteborg Stad Kulturförvaltningen | Halkspecialisten i Sverige AB | Heart Aerospace AB | Holmens Terminal AB | Imad Fastigheter AB | Keolis Sverige AB | Lackteknik Håkan Randleff | Logitjänst Forenom AB | Mechanical Support Sweden AB | Midroc Ställningar AB | Mårtenssons Trafikskola AB | Nilsson Energy | Nolvik Hotell & Konferens AB | Polismyndigheten | Proprenad AB | Quick Change AB | Scanfor bvba Belgien Filial | Serneke Sverige AB | SGL Road AB | Shell Aviation Sweden AB | Sjöfartsverket | SMA Maintenance AB | Storköket i Göteborg AB | Storm Heliworks AB | Svensk Pilotutbildning AB | Svenska Semesterhem AB | Svenska Kvalitetsställningar | Telenor Sverige Aktiebolag | Tip Trailer Service Sweden AB | Trafikcenter Norrköping AB | Volvo Thechnology AB | Västra Götalands Läns Landsting
Current aviation operations
There are community aviation facilities, including helicopter operations for the police, ambulance and sea rescue, which provide a valuable service to the regional community and will continue to do so for a long time. The site also offers flight training, private flights and corporate flights.

The location of Nordic Hub Säve
Contact us

Why choose Castellum?
We’ve got the premises
Castellum is one of the Nordic region’s leading logistics companies. We can help you develop the most efficient logistics chain – from large central warehouses to smaller locations for last-mile delivery – and offer cost-effective storage in strategic locations in combination with logistics locations close to the city centre.
We work sustainably
As the Nordic region’s most sustainable property company, we make sure that all our new build projects are environmentally certified. In addition, we offer tenants everything from green leases to energy-efficient, climate-neutral properties, always with a safe, healthy working environment.
We look around the corner
To meet tomorrow’s needs, we follow the latest research on working life, learn from new findings, carry out our own surveys and publish the annual trend report Worklife of the Future. However, our most important monitoring of future trends takes place through our daily dialogue with tenants.
We are local and close at hand
We show strong local commitment, and have own staff in all locations where we operate. This allows us to provide the personal contact and local knowledge we know is so important. We manage all of our buildings, and as a customer you always have access to a dedicated house team who make sure you’re happy with us.