Diversity and inclusiveness
Castellum should be an attractive, long-term employer where employees thrive and develop. We aim to be an inclusive workplace that reflects the diversity of our society, where we share our knowledge, learn from and embrace different perspectives and experiences and offer everyone equal opportunities.
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Beyond expectations
Castellum’s vision is to go beyond expectations and our mission is to create workplaces where people and organisations can grow. To achieve our vision and mission, we have to start with ourselves. It’s important to understand our tenants. We want to make tenants a little happier, our colleagues a little prouder and the surrounding world a little more impressed. So it’s natural for Castellum’s operations to be characterised by gender equality, diversity and equal rights. We are secure in our courage, curiosity and openness. And we dare to go first.

Ambitious objectives
Long-term goals
Gender equality, diversity and inclusion are part of our employee strategy, and we are carrying out several initiatives to achieve our long-term goals. Our work is based on legislation, but Castellum has long strived to be an equal, inclusive company with long-term strategic goals that permeate the entire organisation. By 2025, Castellum aims to achieve and maintain an even gender distribution in all positions and for 20 percent of its employees to come from an international background, to reflect the diversity of our society.
A forerunner in sustainability reporting
Castellum is a forerunner in sustainability reporting. Our solid, transparent reporting activities are aimed at monitoring and following up on our sustainability performance. By reporting on gender equality in different work teams, we can set clear goals and tackle the challenges we face.
Through its size, Castellum aspires to lead the industry in several aspects, among them gender equality and inclusion. Castellum reports on pay discrepancies and gaps. In this way, we hope to inspire more listed companies both in and outside our industry to follow our example and set a standard.
Active social commitment
To reach people who are far away from the labour market, Castellum supports players who share our values and work to promote gender equality and diversity. We actively collaborate with partners such as Stadsmissionen, Fryshuset, My Dream Now and Jobbsprånget. Through these partnerships, we can also impose demands on our contractors. Our aim is to create job opportunities for young people and the long-term unemployed through our projects, something we have been very successful at in recent years.