Proud urban developers
Castellum is an active, long-term player that contributes to development and growth of Nordic cities. You can read about some of the urban development projects we are involved in here.
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How we contribute to sustainable urban development
Contributing to sustainable urban development in various ways is a key part of Castellum’s business. All our investments are made from a sustainability perspective. We have an ambitious sustainability programme, we have perhaps the toughest climate targets in the industry and we make sure all our new builds and major conversions are sustainability certified. We also participate in various urban networks, business associations and other social initiatives to promote safe, sustainable development in the cities where we operate.
Examples of development projects

A unique inner city district in Stockholm with 50,000 new workplaces and 6,000 homes.

Halvorsäng Logistics Park
A new, sustainable logisticts hub in the Nordic region, right next to the Port of Gothenburg.

The Meat Packing District
The former meat packing district "Slakthusområdet" is an vibrant urban district and a part of the enlargement of Stockholms city centre.

Nordic Hub Säve
A unique site for sustainable logistics and mobility only 15 minutes from central Gothenburg and the largest port in the Nordic region.
Sustainability a natural part of all our development projects
We work for the sustainability certification of all our new construction projects. The most common certification is Miljöbyggnad, where new construction projects for offices are to achieve Gold level and logistics are to achieve Silver level. The projects with the highest climate ambitions are certified according to NollCO2. We also work to create premises focusing on health and well-being for its tenants; the GreenHaus project in Helsingborg for example is certified under WELL.

Making a difference together
We collaborate continuously with various partners to drive development, learn about new technologies and exchange experience. Some of the organisations that Castellum is a member of: EPRA Sustainability Committee, GRESB Benchmark Committee, Energimyndighetens Beställargrupp för Lokaler (BELOK), UN Global Compact and CMB Chalmers. The company also collaborates closely with local energy companies, waste management companies, universities and colleges. Castellum supports several organisations that work for a sustainable property industry and has for example contributed with 454,350 SEK to Fastighetsägarna, 100,000 SEK to Sweden Green Business Council, and 1,319,000 SEK to Citysamverkan-organisations in 2023.