Code of conduct and policies
The Code of Conduct comprises a basis for how Castellum’s employees are to act towards each other as well as towards tenants and other external players. Our Code of Conduct is based on Castellum’s values and the principles of the UN Global Compact, and clarifies Castellum’s position on human rights, working conditions, business ethics and information.
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Castellum’s Code of conduct
The Code of conduct is based on Castellum’s values (Business-focused, Committed, and Courageous); the ten principles of human rights, labour rights, the environment, and anti-corruption in the UN Global Compact; and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. The Code of Conduct clarifies Castellum’s position regarding human rights, working conditions, business ethics, equality, and disseminating information. The Supplier Code of Conduct sets out requirements for the behaviour of the company's suppliers.
Preventative efforts regarding ethics and issues of corruption, where conduct in various everyday situations is discussed, are carried out throughout the Group. A pivotal element in these efforts is that all employees understand and follow the Code of Conduct. Castellum has a whistleblower function to detect if improprieties are occurring. The function aims to help both employees and external parties act responsibly.