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We are nearing our goal

We are working hard to achieve the goal of climate neutrality by 2030. One of the measures we are working on to achieve the target of 100 per cent non-fossil energy consumption is building solar panels on our properties. Re-use is a priority in all projects in order to reduce our climate impact. Additionally, we have the vision – in partnership with five regional energy companies – of showing how we property owners can not only reduce our burden on the energy system but also become a key component in solving the energy shortage.

Climate neutrality by 2030

One of Castellum's major challenges in achieving climate neutrality by 2030 is to reduce climate emissions from the projects. New construction projects for 2023 must reduce the climate impact by 30 per cent, 40 per cent and 50 per cent respectively for 2023, 2024 and 2025 (compared to NollCO2's baseline). For reconstruction and tenant adaptation projects, the climate impact is to be calculated. The five materials or products with the largest climate impact must be replaced by conservation, reuse or climate-efficient products. These requirements will be progressively tightened.

Read more in the Annual and Sustainability Report

Solar panels on roof

The initiative 100 on Solar

In 2020, Castellum launched the initiative "100 on Solar," one of the largest solar projects in the Nordic region, with the goal of finalize one hundred solar power installations by the end of 2025. In December 2023, almost two years ahead of schedule, the one hundredth installation was inaugurated. This solar power initiative will now continue, with the installation of a further 100 PV systems by 2030.

Two people standing on a roof with solar panels.
View over Öresundsbron.

Power strategy

A key component in solving the energy shortage

Society is becoming electrified, and solar and wind energy are beginning to out-compete other types of energy – which is a positive development. But this is resulting in a shortage of capacity and energy in the Swedish energy network. That is why Castellum, together with five Swedish energy companies, has developed the document En gemensam effektstrategi (A Joint Power Strategy). This is a strategy for how we property owners and our buildings can become an active part in the largest change to the energy system since its expansion began around a century ago.

The vision behind this partnership project is the transformation of Swedish buildings into active energy resources that relieve the strain on the national power grid instead of continuing to passively consume increasingly expensive energy. In this strategy, Castellum shows the way for property owners to reduce their burden on the power grid and become a key component in the solution to the energy shortage.

Vision image of a brick wall property.


A priority area is reducing resource consumption and promoting circular flows of materials. Working with re-use is an important step towards Castellum’s goal of climate neutrality by 2030.

Re-use concerns extending the lifetime of a product, and the gains from this are numerous. New manufacture and consumption of new materials and products are avoided to a greater extent, which is good for the climate, the environment, and the economy. The possibility of employing re-use is being investigated in all of Castellum’s projects, and re-use must be prioritised where possible.
